Bradley Block, MD, is a private practice otolaryngologist on Long Island, New York, where he lives with his wife and three young sons. He is a partner at ENT and Allergy Associates and creator of the Physician’s Guide to Doctoring Podcast.
He realized that rapport was the key to gaining trust, seeing patients efficiently, enjoying his practice, and building his reputation. He tried to find a podcast that would help him improve at doctor-patient communication, but there was none, so he created Physician’s Guide to Doctoring! The topics quickly expanded to “everything we should have been learning while we were memorizing Kreb’s Cycle,” and it is now a practical guide for practicing physicians, physicians-in-training and all allied health professionals. He is available as a keynote speaker on improving the patient experience, doctor-patient communication, and running office-hours efficiently.
Brad, or Dr. Block as his parents call him, went to med school at SUNY Buffalo and graduated with research honors. He then went on to his ENT residency at Georgetown. He enjoys spending time with his family, surfing (yes, there is surfing on Long Island), skiing (there is no skiing on Long Island), smoking meat, exercising, and finding any excuse to quote an 80s movie.
“I’m not saying I’d build a summer home here, but the trees are actually quite lovely.”

Brad is not only a host, but also a guest! Check out these podcast appearances!
The Scope of Practice
Doctors Unbound
The Changed Physician
Surviving Medicine
The High Yield Physicians Podcast
High Impact Physician
Medical Murmurs
The Happy Doc
The Ajo Way Podcast
Just Some Podcast
Rx For Success
Dads Before Doctors
Difficult Conversations with Dr. Anthony Orsini
All About Pregnancy and Birth Podcast
The Doctor’s Crossing Carpe Diem Podcast
The Whole Physician Drivetime Debrief
Operate with Zen
Journey to Private Practice
Practice Care Podcast
Dare to Dream Physician
The DaVinci Hour
Rounds to Residency
Backtable ENT
Medicine Marriage and Money
Business of Surgery Series with Amy Vertrees MD
Who are the hosts of The Physician’s Guide to Doctoring? We are a bunch of doctors embarking on a transformative journey and looking to take you along for the ride as we dive into captivating conversations with experts from diverse fields all with the common goal of helping us achieve our full potential.
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~8k podcast subscribers
~6.6k monthly downloads (will double starting next week as we're putting out 2 shows a week vs 1)
~500 monthly website views
~launching email in 2 weeks
~950 network connections on LinkedIn; mainly MDs
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